Tuesday, July 27, 2010

smooth move

it looks like the first cx race will be held on sept 11th and 12th the same weekend as the okht ride to bardstown. looks loike in need to get out of work that weekend. check it out at http://applecrossfestival.yolasite.com/
the first ovcx race is the following weekend in cincy.


  1. CX in early Sept - man I hope it's cooler by then

    Oh yeah, the brickhouse rocks

  2. i went out and checked on eva bandman. that 50k didn't go very far and there wasn't a single dog in the LOCKED fence of the dog park at rrcc but plenty out on the golf course. hope the xc runners watch their step

  3. i was down there sunday night and you're right. well they did cut the grass and moved the soccer nets.

  4. over promised, under delivered...

