Thursday, August 12, 2010

Not that you care, but here's the deal...

I had previously decided I was done with racing of all sorts. Racing being paying to ride my bicycle with a handful of people that didn't really like me or the way in which I conducted myself under such circumstances. By a way of means in which most good plans are hatched, beer, I have decided to go back on my retirement, another thing all the greats do, and play the CX game a few more times this season. The caveat being glorious and fanciful costumes must be adorned in said endeavor. The one above does not do the opportunity justice. I'm am not sure if capes will be permitted in this scheme, but we'll find out race day. Basically, whatever I can do to throw off the norm at the events I partake in will be the goal. Beer must be consumed, as we determined earlier all great plans not only begin with this elixir of the gods, bust involve it as well. Fun will be had, and hopefully we can take a bit of the seriousness out of the whole Cat4 game. Afterall, we're never going pro at this point, and even if we could, would we? That shit just sounds like work.


  1. i start by saying that posting anonymous is just plain dumb.
    you mean in cat4 we're not to take it serious. damn, is was going to get real serious this year. oh well i guess i'll get my new jersey and hand-ups together. i guess the tent for dirt club and fuck gas will be happening. that is if you want to share the tent i have.

  2. Anonymous takes it up the ass...

    This fun fact brought to you by your friend, Mr. Rider

    Jimmy... you make me want to ride cross. I still can't bring myself to wear spandex though :(

  3. i'm gonna go ride my bike. look for a post in the a.m. helmets, tubulars and more.

  4. john, i'm all about doing a tent. we should make banners. i'm working out what races i'll be able to do this year as ethan's new soccer schedule is pretty crazy with a lot of travel involved.

  5. my vision for the tent is along the lines of the old props bus. rowdy as hell. i'd like to put it up right on the course as close as can be. i see lots of cheap beer hand-ups. i'm tellin ya rowdy. we'll need music and a bull horn. you know the kind from a bull. the ideas.

  6. i'm down with this dirt club/fuckgas tent idea.

    forget about the cow bell i'm bring the vuvuzella to 'cross.
