Sunday, October 31, 2010

storm the greens

storm the greens the last louisville stop on the ovcx tour. what a blast it was. there were lots of good costumes on the scene. mike kennedy with with he-she might have been the best.

the course was awesome. the crowd was good. it looked like lots of good food was on sight too. there wer plenty of new faces lined up. thats always good to see.the sand was good except for all the open 4's clogging it with the lack of sand riding or something. i'm not saying i'm a badass but come on stay on the bike. it was pretty cool to see the dog people pulling in with the what the fuck faces on.

tommy 2x4 was on sight as well as the usually suspects like keith morlen, segal, stve mauer from virgina/new local. post some pics and see ya at the gun club.


  1. cx continues to grow on me. i know with anything, you're gonna run into the guys who take Cat 4 way too serious. i happen to find a few areas where it was good to catch some air, pop a wheelie, etc. well, apparently one of the cat 4 45 plus guys thought it was a road race and was bitching about me not riding in a straight pulled off to the side to let him and his dill hole friend pass me so they could do their thing...only a few seconds later, i pass the one asshole while he's diggin his face out of the sand after the race he's mean-muggin me and i was like, "dude get over it." he wants to talk some more shit and i was like, "you know, you're pretty fit for an old man and it looks like you take this pretty serious, you might want to stop sandbaggin in cat 4."

    it's a funny story and it does not reflect on any of the event at all...ohhh...i also told him, "dude, it's my 2nd race, i'd be pissed too if some asshole was ahead of me popping wheelies and having fun and i was out training my ass off."

  2. you're right, there are some guys that take cat 4 racing very serious. i know none of us got a check or cash for racing cat 4. today after the race the kid looks and me and says "dad did you win" i say no, sometimes it's better to just have fun.

  3. Fun is what it's all about! Well, that and suffering. Good times today

  4. if you can't have fun or get dq"ed you should stay at home.
