Saturday, May 14, 2011

what is going on with me

have you ever noticed that the person that knows the least is usually in a power position. this just tends to blow my mind. i had this scenario play out today when i asked the older somewhat more knowledgeable looking sales person about a product. he looked puzzled and turn to the guy with the dirty/prepubescent upper lip and asked my question for me. the younger guy stepped up and unloaded his knowledge on me. i bought my stuff and made the comment how it sucks to train new people, he then informed me it was his manager.

this week has been a roller coaster. i've had a good friend for many years pass. this person has been in and out of my life over the years, but whenever our paths crossed no time had passed and we just picked up where we had left off. i know i sound like a broken record but many of my friends and i seem to have this type of relationship. i guess when you have bikes in common these friends will be like this. it's like we i see old friends at races, no time passes. until today i had forgotten that this old friend once had hair and lots of it. today i also saw that he was the same guy that i had met way back in high school. he has and had many friends of all shapes and sizes. he always knew people from all walks of like. as his mom read a poem called the dash it was like something out of apocalypse now. i could hear her reading, the low roar of the ceiling fan, and all of crying sniffling and blowing noses. it's sad to know that an awesome guy is no longer with us.

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