Tuesday, July 26, 2011

a world gone mad

in life you hear lots of goofy shit and in the last few weeks i haven't been let down. i'll just touch on a few of my favorites.

1} this is just some good shit. i'm sitting at light, light turns green. i'm not a big horn honker but i will when needed. so i lay on the horn, get to the next light and i say to the guy come on and drive. his reply was hey i'm on the phone.

2} picture this, a world with out women's step thru frames. they {the bike companies} won't be making them any more. wow. i heard this.

3} if one more fucking person ask about talks about or ask if we sell "brifters" i think i may smack someone in the throat. who, what, when, where, and why? that's not what they are called. sti shifters, double tap, anything but "brifters". in the immortal words of ron burgundy and steve maurer, "which of course in german means whale vagina"

1 comment:

  1. the brifter is mythological kinda like a liger or a unicorn.
