Tuesday, August 9, 2011

road rides....

so i've been averaging 19.5 to 20.5 mph for 22-30 miles. is that a decent pace? i'm really trying to get a better set of lungs for the cyclocross season...


  1. I've been doing about the same for a few weeks. a group of us have been doing monday and friday night rides at that length and pace.

  2. It's been so long since I've been on my road bike that it's hard to remember, but seems like a good pace, especially if you are on your own (not ever aided by drafting in a group) and there were hills involved. There use to be a Tuesday night ride (not the team ride that left Cylcer's Cafe) that started at the old Bacons in St. Matthews ... it was always a good test to see where you were fitness wise. If you got dropped by the group, then you knew you had work to do.

  3. i appreciate the two comments. with my schedule, it makes it hard to hook up for the tuesday night worlds...

    just a side note, yes, the ride was solo and on a cx bike.

    i guess i need to get my notes done quicker and try to make it out there to see if i can hang or not...
