Friday, February 15, 2013

orange seal sealant update

i had some questions about the sealant and they were answered by adam over at orange seal.

i asked about the corrosion that happens to aluminum rim with some other sealants with prolonged use. adam clued me in on some simple chemistry, liquid latex/latex gives off ammonia. ammonia likes to corrode aluminum. lower quality latex speeds up this process. orange seal uses a higher quality latex than most and their sealant has what they call nanites in it. nanites are what they call solid particles that aid in sealing the punchers up 1/4 inch.

orange seal  sealant is also working on a winter sealant that will be good well below zero. it is being tested up in north dakota by a guy that races and rides a ton in the winter. this should be ready next winter.

i also used the chain lube tonight i wasn't outside only on the trainer. it seemed to work well. i'll see when i get outside and give it a try.


  1. Why don't you try something that isn't the cheapest stuff available?

    1. sorry im just partial to stans

    2. i've used stans. this was sent to me to try out. so that's what i'm doing. it works pretty good. i've been happy so far.

  2. Are you going to do anymore posts?
